Regenerative Agriculture course with Richard Perkins

In June 2022, Ronan took part in a 9-day intensive Regenerative Agriculture course with international renowned educator and author Richard Perkins of Ridgedale Farm in Sweden and Cathal Mooney of Heather Hill Farm.

Held at Cathal’s farm in Brenter, Donegal, the course was a mind expanding time, thoroughly working through what Regenerative Agriculture looks like in practice at farm scale in Donegal.

Participants in the Regenerative Agriculture course. Credit Heather Hill Farm

The course covered many themes including managing holistically, keyline design, tree and woody crops, low cost infrastructure development, integrated animal systems, no dig approach to market gardening, closed loop fertility and regenerative enterprise.

With people present from around the world, it was a course well worth doing. A big thank you to Cathal and Richard for an excellent course - I’m very much looking forward to putting some of the teaching into action! (Ronan)


26-28 August - Donegal’s Savour the Flavour Festival


‘Trees on the Land’ tree planting day at Shy By Nature Farm