‘Trees on the Land’ tree planting day at Shy By Nature Farm
On 4 April, we had a great tree planting day up here in Shy By Nature Farm in Inver in south Donegal, with 18 people in attendance - bringing together family, friends and neighbours in what was our first ever event, a very important day for us!
Thank you to Trees on the Land for making it possible - to Imogen, Brian, delivery man and the rest of the team, and to the sponsors!
We are in awe of the work you do.
Having had heeled the 1500 trees in during March as we got delayed, I'm pleased (Ronan) to say they've all got planted.
With some people eager to plant, we got some 200 Hawthorne in the ground the day before 4 April, with around 800 trees - Hawthorne, Rowan, Hazel, Spindle, Alder, more - going in on the day.
As there were many first time tree planters - which was great - the remaining were stored in water and got in across the next week day by day. Thanks James for helping with those!
Also, and very importantly - a big thank you to Mum and auntie Mary for helping out with the lovely food on the day!
Thankfully nearly all seem to be doing well - as of 23 August 2022 - building on the 200 trees me and Dad planted in February 2020. We are monitoring deer/hare grazing and at the moment it seems alright!